Alek Sarna (Aleksandra Sarna) is a simulation artist creating site-specific virtual worlds, performances using VR/gaming technology, speculative CGI films often in the form of multimedia installations incorporating physical elements. Studies the spaces between reality, 2D and virtual 3D representation. Often rendering digital environments constructed from alternative objects within fictional or real scenarios. Her visual narratives are built on the basis of subjective perception, organization and interpretation of impressions in order to understand the surroundings in an era in which nature, humanity and technology overlaps. Her works are shown at exhibitions and festivals such as: Art Museum MS1 in Łódź, National Gallery of Art Zachęta, Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, Labirynt Gallery, TRAFO Trafostation of Art, Formatova Intercultural Visual Form #3, Obrońców Stalingradu 17, Agora Arts Circle, Poleski Punkt Odbioru Sztuki, Parallel Photo Platform, 9th YYoung Triennale.